Scrambled Eggs

  1. 4–6 eggs (depending on size)
  2. 2 tablespoons thick cream (35 per cent fat)
  3. salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  4. 75 g butter
  • chopped chives, to garnish
  • In a bowl, crack the eggs, add the cream and season with salt and pepper.
  • Whisk lightly with a fork the whites and yolks don’t have to be completely mixed and the mixture should contain some air; over-whisking the mixture expels the air and makes for heavier scrambled eggs.
  • Melt the butter in a heavy-based nonstick pan over medium heat. When the butter begins to bubble, add the egg mixture and reduce heat to low. as it begins to cook and thicken, fold the thicker bits towards the centre of the pan uncooked egg will moat around the cooked egg. repeat this process until the eggs are close to ready but still a little runny, then remove from the heat and move the mixture once or twice more as the heat of the pan will complete the cooking.
  • Serve immediately scrambled eggs become tough and dry if you attempt to keep them warm. Garnish with the chives or other fresh green herbs.


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